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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does it mean to be accredited?

  Accreditation means providing a service in accordance with predefined standards. In higher education, accreditation indicates that the programs deliver education that exceeds set standards. TED University has had a quality document since its establishment and applies this quality document in its operations. The accreditation processes are supported and encouraged at our university and faculty.

2. On the Faculty of Education website, under the programs section of the departments, there are two separate programs listed as "2017-2018 and before" and "Curriculum." Which curriculum should we follow?

  The undergraduate curricula of Faculties of Education are determined by the Council of Higher Education in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education. The Council of Higher Education reorganized the Faculty of Education programs in the 2018-2019 academic year. Therefore, students who started their education in the Faculty of Education from the 2018-2019 academic year follow the new curriculum. The program listed in the "2017-2018 and before" file on our website is followed by students who enrolled in our faculty before the 2017-2018 academic year. The application of this program will be discontinued after the 2020-2021 academic year.

3. What should I understand by "student-centered learning"?

  The TED University Faculty of Education is an exemplary faculty that values learning-teaching processes and involves students in the learning process. Active learning environments are created using approaches, methods, and techniques that allow students to learn through experience. Knowledge is gained as a result of inquiry and critical thinking skills. Project-based learning is implemented to ensure active student participation. Our faculty always encourages our students to research and explore. With the educational environment created, our students emerge as participatory and responsible individuals in the process. In student-centered education, students become an important part of the learning process by being included in decisions made in the classroom. These decisions may include planning the lesson, activities to be carried out in the lesson, and end-of-lesson evaluations. In our faculty, teachers conduct their lessons by guiding students rather than leading them. The focus of our work at the TED University Faculty of Education is always our students.

4. Your faculty's website mentions double major and minor programs. Will I be able to benefit from these opportunities when I start at the Faculty of Education?

  The aim of the double major program is to enable students who are successfully pursuing their undergraduate education in one program at TED University to also study for an undergraduate degree in a second field. Students who successfully complete the double major program are entitled to receive diplomas for both programs they attend.

  The aim of the minor program is to provide students who are successfully pursuing an undergraduate program in one field at TED University with knowledge in another field they are interested in. Students who successfully complete the minor program are entitled to receive a certificate.

  Students at the TED University Faculty of Education have the opportunity to pursue double majors and minors in every program within the faculty.

5. I am interested in scientific research and want it to be a part of my academic and professional life. What opportunities do you provide to your students in this regard?

  At our university, the Undergraduate Student Scientific Research Support (LAD) is provided to encourage undergraduate students to engage in academic research activities and to involve them in scientific research processes. With this support, undergraduate students conduct scientific research under the guidance of faculty members and have the opportunity to present their research results at academic conferences. In this context, the Faculty of Education also offers many opportunities for undergraduate students to conduct scientific research.

  Many courses in our faculty's programs are designed to provide students with access to scientific research, read these studies, and conduct their own scientific research. This way, it is aimed that students will be proficient in the academic studies conducted in their fields upon graduation, benefit from these studies in their working environments, and be prepared for postgraduate education if they are interested.

  Throughout their undergraduate education, our students have the opportunity to participate in conferences, present their work at academic meetings, and follow different academic events with the support of faculty members.

6. I am worried that the education process will consist only of theoretical knowledge while preparing for my profession. What kind of practical opportunities are available at your faculty?

  TED University is an education-focused and student-centered university based on its founding principles. In this context, the Faculty of Education is a faculty that values practice and centers students. With this perspective, while preparing students for their professional lives, many practical opportunities are provided both inside and outside the classroom. Our university has classrooms with different features to conduct practice-oriented lessons. Additionally, our faculty has specially designed laboratories, such as the Pedagogy Laboratory, the Early Childhood Education Practice Laboratory, and the Psychological Counseling Laboratories, for this purpose. Moreover, the content of the courses conducted in the programs is designed to emphasize practice.

  Additionally, the Teaching Practice courses included in the programs are courses we value and focus on with sensitivity. In these courses and other practice-oriented courses, it is aimed that our students experience different school environments (public schools, private schools, etc.) to prepare them for their professional lives in the best way possible. TED Ankara College is among our practice schools with which we have close cooperation. Many plans and collaborations are made to increase the experience of our students by being present in schools outside of class hours.

7. Sometimes I am intimidated by the idea of receiving education in English, and I am unsure how it will benefit me in the future. What are the advantages of receiving education in English in teaching programs?

  All programs at TEDU and the Faculty of Education are taught 100% in English. After enrolling in the programs they have been admitted to, our students take an exam conducted by the English Language School to determine their proficiency, after which they either start the undergraduate program or the preparatory class. With the qualified English education provided by the English Language School, students gain the competence to follow all kinds of publications related to their courses, actively participate in seminars and discussions, meet the written and oral requirements of the courses, and communicate in English in social life.

  First and foremost, prestigious educational institutions are increasingly looking for teachers who know English. This demand gives an advantage to graduates of faculties of education that provide instruction in English when transitioning to their professional lives. Furthermore, teacher candidates who know English and those who receive their education in English at the Faculty of Education gain the ability to access and follow scientific studies conducted in their fields. Teacher candidates who acquire lifelong learning habits during the education process thus have the opportunity to apply current studies in their professional lives.

  Teacher candidates who receive education in English can easily adapt to the process if they wish to continue their education abroad or find a job opportunity abroad after graduation. Additionally, during their undergraduate education, they can continue their studies abroad for a certain period through the ERASMUS+ program or create different internship opportunities for themselves.

  Our graduates are ready for this process in terms of English if they wish to continue their studies with postgraduate programs.

8. I have heard that classes in faculties of education are often very crowded. Is it the same at your institution?

  TED University has had a quality document since its establishment. The principles stated in the quality document are followed during the planning, implementation, and evaluation stages of the education-teaching process. The classrooms at our university and faculty are designed with different features to ensure that these principles are implemented effectively. Because we conduct student-centered and practice-oriented lessons, the number of students in each class is kept to a minimum. Additionally, practice courses are designed to ensure that each student actively participates and benefits maximally from the practice experience.

9. I want to participate in the ERASMUS program and go abroad. What opportunities do you provide for your students in this regard?

  Since the language of instruction is English, our students can easily participate in the ERASMUS program and gain international experience during their academic life. Especially students continuing in the Preschool Teaching program have the opportunity to do summer internships, not only during the semester but also in the summer months. Our students have opportunities to participate in the ERASMUS program at universities with which we have agreements in many European countries, such as Germany, Greece, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, and Portugal. Our Faculty's International Cooperation Commission continues to work intensively to increase the number of collaborations and provide our students with more international experience.

Click here for detailed information on Erasmus Program.

10. I want to join student clubs and be actively involved in activities at the university. Are there any student groups actively working in the field of education?

  TED University encourages and supports students to be active outside of class and organize various activities. Among these clubs, EduAction and Maths-Up have successfully organized many educational activities. For club activities, you can visit the TEDU website and the Faculty of Education website or click here to access the list of student clubs.

11. How do you support students with difficulties they encounter during their academic life, career issues, course selection, etc.? Will there be someone to help me with these issues?

  TED University aims to train its students to be individuals who possess professional competence, critical thinking skills, ethical values, and the ability to make a difference in their fields and society. The Faculty of Education is also very sensitive to this issue and provides students with the opportunity to gain these competencies by meeting with their academic advisors at the beginning of each semester and whenever necessary. Academic advisors support students in selecting courses, evaluating them according to their interests and talents, and planning their future careers. Moreover, the Psychological Counseling and Guidance Center, operating within TEDU, is always available to help students solve various problems and overcome difficulties.

12. I want to improve myself by participating in social responsibility projects and take part in these activities. What kind of social responsibility projects do you have?

  TED University encourages students to participate in social responsibility projects and contribute to their development as socially responsible individuals. In the Faculty of Education, students are involved in social responsibility projects as part of their curriculum and through various activities and collaborations. These projects allow students to apply their knowledge in real-life settings, work in teams, and develop a sense of social responsibility. Through these projects, students have the opportunity to engage with the community, understand societal needs, and contribute positively to society.

13. What kind of opportunities are available for students to engage in international experiences and collaborations?

  TED University provides numerous opportunities for students to gain international experience and engage in collaborations with universities abroad. The ERASMUS+ program allows students to study or intern in various European countries, enhancing their academic and professional development. Additionally, the university's International Cooperation Commission works diligently to increase the number of partnerships and agreements with institutions worldwide. Students can participate in exchange programs, summer internships, and research projects, gaining valuable international exposure and experience.

14. How does the university ensure the quality of education and maintain high standards in teaching and learning?

  TED University is committed to maintaining high standards of education and continuously improving the quality of teaching and learning. The university follows a comprehensive quality assurance system that includes regular evaluations, feedback from students and faculty, and adherence to national and international accreditation standards. The Faculty of Education has a quality document that guides its operations and ensures that educational programs meet or exceed the required standards. The faculty is dedicated to providing a student-centered and practice-oriented learning environment, with a focus on continuous improvement and excellence in education.