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Tünay Özçelik

Assistant Professor

Faculty of Education

Part-Time Lecturer

Management in Educational Institutions Master of Arts Program

Arzu Şarlanoğlu Vural


Department of Foreign Language Education – English Language Education

Part-Time Instructor

Gökçen Özbek


General Culture Courses Coordination

Part-Time Instructor

Nihan Uçar Sarımanoğlu


Faculty of Education

Part-Time Instructor

Ozan Cihat Yalçınkaya


Faculty of Education

Part-Time Instructor

Şahin Antakyalıoğlu

Department of Educational Sciences - Guidance and Psychological Counseling

Part-Time Instructor

Gökçen Kuru

Department of Educational Sciences - Guidance and Psychological Counseling

Part-Time Instructor

Room No: F118

Asli Telseren Ömeroglu

Department of Educational Sciences

Part-Time Instructor

Elif Özcan

Department of Elementary Education - Primary Education

Part-Time Instructor

Evrim Alkış Demirel

Department of Educational Sciences - Guidance and Psychological Counseling

Part-Time Instructor

Figen Yılmaz

General Culture Courses Coordination

Part-Time Instructor

Melike İncioglu

Department of Educational Sciences - Guidance and Psychological Counseling

Part-Time Instructor

Serap Toga

Faculty of Education

Faculty Secretary

Room No: D116

Fatma Yalçın

Assistant Professor

Department of Elementary Education - Early Childhood Education