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On December 6, 2024, Dr. Şerife Demircioğlu, the Deputy General Manager of Beştepe College, participated as a guest speaker in the ED 460 "Curriculum in International Contexts" course, conducted by Lecturer Dr. Gizem Güzeller. Dr. Demircioğlu introduced the Cambridge system to our prospective teachers through interactive activities and drama techniques. During this process, our prospective teachers had the opportunity to learn about different teaching methods, as well as the advantages of being a teacher within the Cambridge program and the challenges that may arise in the teaching process. Dr. Demircioğlu also shared examples of how the Cambridge education system is applied globally, providing valuable insights into how prospective teachers can play a more active role in international educational settings.
We extend our gratitude to her for her valuable contributions and for deepening our prospective teachers' understanding of the Cambridge program.
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