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Lecturer Mehmet Sak's Article Has Been Published...


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Our faculty member from the Department of English Language Teaching, Mehmet Sak, has co-authored the article titled "Navigating the Flow: The Dynamic Nature of Language Learners’ Well-Being in Directed Motivational Currents" with Dr. Arkadiusz Pietluch (University of Rzeszów, Poland). The article has been published in the International Journal of Applied Linguistics, which is indexed in the SSCI-Q1 category.

The study examines how and why students' well-being experiences change over time within directed motivational currents—a goal-oriented and long-term motivational process that has recently gained popularity in language learning psychology literature. By exploring these dynamics, the article offers new suggestions to enhance the pedagogical effectiveness of this type of motivation.

You can access the article via the following link: