TED University
Faculty of Education
"A Tale of Two Paradigms: The Best and Worst of Times for Quantitative and Qualitative Research”
Dr. Gülçin GÜLMEZ
Date: June 6 2017, Tuesday
Time: 14:30-15:00
Place: D126
Abstract: It was the epoch of numbers, It then was the epoch of narrations; And there came the ex-ante epoch of the clash of two titans: Quantitative and Qualitative research methods.
This seminar will initially but briefly describe Positivism and Post-positivism as the two paradigms that housed quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. The session will then flow with a specific focus on the essentials of either method and then compare and contrast the virtues of each. Just like a 101 Introductory course, the seminar will serve as a compact statement on the “where”, “what” and “how” of two methodologies.
TED Üniversitesi
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Kolej Çankaya ANKARA
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