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The book was contributed as writers by our Early Childhood Education faculty members and edited by Prof. Dr. Feyza Tantekin Erden and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilek Altun was published. The book titled “Erken Çocukluk Döneminde Dijital Teknoloji: Uygulamalar, Araştırmalar ve Eğilimler”. Contributing to the book with the book chapter "Farklı Erken Çocukluk Eğitimi Programlarında Teknoloji", Assist. Prof. Dr. Çağla Öneren Şendil and Res. Assist. Elif Naz Altaş focused on the place of technology in the early childhood programs of 10 countries and how technology is integrated into these programs. The book chapter titled “COVID-19 Sürecinde Dünyada Dijital Destekli Erken Çocukluk Eğitimi Uygulamaları” by Res. Assist. Tuba Özgül, Prof. Dr. Feyza Tantekin Erden, Assoc. Dr. Dilek Altun, Res. Assist. Elif Güvelioğlu focused the applications of digital technology in early childhood education in 10 countries during the pandemic. Assist. Prof. Dr. Lecturer Elif Buldu focused on the digital technology opportunities that used during creative drama practices and the integration of technology in the chapter titled "Digital Technology in Early Childhood: Applications, Research and Trends".
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