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Elementary Mathematics Teacher Candidates Are Back in Classes

TED University Elementary Mathematics Education Program 4th grade students experienced teaching practice at ABC Schools and Ziraat Mühendisleri Secondary School, Necdet Seçkinöz Secondary School as part of the EDUC 404 Teaching Practice I- II courses.

During these 12 weeks, our pre-service teachers will have the opportunity to observe the lessons and school at the practice schools, give lectures at different grade levels and solve questions, evaluate the textbooks, make examination observations and assessments, and be together with the students.

As part of the TED Ambassadors project, a visit was made to TED Kocaeli College!

TED University Elementary Mathematics Teaching fourth grade students Eda Nur Şahin, Eda Kemerli and Gökçe Ursavaş visited TED Kocaeli College on 2-4 January 2023 as part of the 'TED Ambassadors' project carried out jointly by the Turkish Education Association and TED University.

Mathematics Education Program Introductory Meeting was Held.

With the support of the TEDU Learning and Teaching Center,

Step by Step to Career Meetings- 6 “We Ask Our Graduates”

As part of TEDU 101 and "Step by Step to Career Meetings", we will organize the "Ask Our Graduates" event on Thursday, December 22, between 17.00 - 18.30 in the Multi-Purpose Hall of our University.

We think that this experience sharing will give you new perspectives and help you get to know our department better, and we welcome you all to Step by Step to Career Meetings.

Date: December 22, 2022
Place: Multi-Purpose Hall
Time: 17.00-18.30

Mathematics Education Students are at METU for the 17th Cahit Arf Speech!

On Thursday, October 13, 2022, on the occasion of the birthday week of the world-famous Turkish mathematician Cahit Arf, the 17th Arf Lectures were held at the METU Mathematics Department, where Cahit Arf was a faculty member before. This year's invited speaker was Prof. Dr. Andrew Sutherland from Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology University who is an expert in number theory. He gave a speech on the famous Diophantine equations, which are especially important in the field of cryptography today.

We Met Our New Students!

We met with our students who enrolled the Faculty of Education. Dean, Heads of Departments, lecturers, and students attended the meeting.

Good luck friends!

TEDU-LAD Project by ELE Students!

Within the scope of “TEDU Undergraduate Students Scientific Research Support” (TEDU-LAD), our 3rd year students’,  Elif Nur Uran, Dilara İşyar, Neriman Dilay Koca and Zehra Betül Kalkan,  9-month project titled “Using Digital Storytelling to Supplement Middle Projects titled "School English Textbook with Sustainable Development Goals" have been entitled to be supported.

We congratulate our students and wish them continued success.

English Language Education with/without Thesis M.A. Program Application!

Applications for 2022-23 Fall Semester begin!

English Language Education with/without Thesis Master Arts Program accepts students for 2022-23 Academic year Fall semester.

Click here to apply.

Psychological Counseling and Guidance Master of Arts Program Application

Applications for 2022-23 Fall Semester begin!

Master of Arts Programs in Psychological Counseling and Guidance accepts students for 2022-23 Academic year Fall semester.

Click here to apply.



Management in Educational Institutions M.A. Program Application!

Applications for 2022-23 Fall Semester begin!

Master of Arts Programs in Management in Educational Institutions accepts students for 2022-23 Academic year Fall semester.

Click here to apply.


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