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Mathematics Education Students are at METU for the 17th Cahit Arf Speech!

Matematik Öğretmenliği Öğrencileri 17. Cahit Arf Konuşması için ODTÜ'de!

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On Thursday, October 13, 2022, on the occasion of the birthday week of the world-famous Turkish mathematician Cahit Arf, the 17th Arf Lectures were held at the METU Mathematics Department, where Cahit Arf was a faculty member before. This year's invited speaker was Prof. Dr. Andrew Sutherland from Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology University who is an expert in number theory. He gave a speech on the famous Diophantine equations, which are especially important in the field of cryptography today. In the opening of the historical talk,  information about Cahit Arf's life was given and the talk took place in the Cahit Arf lecture hall of the METU Mathematics Department.Together with the organization of TEDU Mathsup society,  Elif Medetoğulları, Faculty Member of the Mathematics and Science Education Department of our university and approximately 45 students from different faculties such as Engineering, Arcitecture,  Education participated the lecture.

