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Ufuk Balaman’s Erasmus+ KA220 HED Project
Erasmus+ KA220 HED project, “Digital Transformation of Language Teacher Education with Data Informed Evidence (DigiLTE)” has been funded (250.000€) by Turkish National Agency.
The project will be based in TED University, Faculty of Education with the partnerships of Linköping University (Sweden), Potsdam University (Germany), International University of Catalonia (Spain), and Bartın University (Türkiye) and coordinated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ufuk Balaman at the Department of English Language Education, Faculty of Education, TED University.
Based on Dr. Balaman’s earlier work on Conversation Analytic Language Teacher Education in Digital Space and the shared research and practice interest of partnership in classroom interaction and language teacher education, the DigiLTE project will
The kick-off meeting of the project will be held in TED University, Faculty of Education in the following months.